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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

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    wat u guise dont understod:


    Posts : 4964
    Join date : 2011-06-16
    Age : 34
    Location : East Coast, USA

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    wat u guise dont understod: - Page 2 Empty Re: wat u guise dont understod:

    Post by Zodz 2013-12-06, 00:46

    tl;dr Summary:

    The situation of Cannon and 80m had nothing to do with Cora Dyce, the IRC system, or anyone in this clan. He allowed himself to be owed 80m by a complete Random despite a Rule I gave him on CoraGaming that his limit was 20m. I gave him only 1 rule, he didn't listen and paid the price.

    Cannons then attempted to retrieve "his money" by using the Cora Dyce irc. When suspect cashed in 100m, Host jojo transferred it to Cannon and cannon essentially attempted to steal the cash. We forced him to give that cash back to the bettor.

    This has no relation to the recent host removal of Host Jojo. Host Jojo left with -700m eoc and +10m 07 in his IRC account. All of those funds (or lack thereof) are property of Andy and will not be transferred.

    Sorry for any confusion, Sorry for some of you that didn't know the whole story - this thread will now be locked.

    Last edited by Zodz on 2013-12-06, 03:46; edited 1 time in total

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