Rob Crawl wrote:Karn don't be so mean.
I don't know if my opinion materrs.....but im gonna say it anyway
Connor definitely deserves an unban.
For a few minutes...forget that he "scammed". Each of U would definitely want him U banned. He was and is a fantastic person and I strongly urge the mods to unban him.
As to the scam , I feel he shouldn't be liable to pay.its his luck that aure stopped playing plus aure too actually scammed. So Connor shouldn't be made responsible to pay the scammed or host a dp. I think its stupid.
And come on guys everyone deserves a second chance. If I,god forbid, make a mistake like this...I'd be dying to get back on forums.
That's my opinion. PLEASE UNBAN
Yeah guys its just "scam" and i mean we are cora dyce we love scammers. scamming is fun. yeah scam scam scam. who cares if he scammed one of ex hosts? Scamedy scamedy scam.