Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

wolf lord01
Rand al'Thor
11 posters

    Jon for owner!


    Posts : 13685
    Join date : 2011-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : United Kingdom

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    Jon for owner! - Page 2 Empty Re: Jon for owner!

    Post by Jon 2013-05-30, 23:30

    Christina wrote:
    Jon wrote:
    Christina wrote:
    Jon wrote:
    Sean wrote:
    V wrote:
    Jon wrote:
    Brendan wrote:Lol Zoddy for Gen! Zoddy is Zoddy lil cuddly guy! Very Happy Very Happy SO CUDDLY! Very Happy
    Who's Zoddy? If I'm right in thinking that you mean Zodz then he's been gen for months?

    zodz is sooo cute, zodz for admin!
    that will eventually happen.... his kiss assing has got him this far
    His bils of giveaways and intelligent contributions to discussions had nothing to do with it.

    @This thread, I feel violated.
    You do not know what it is to be violated. The day that I get owner... That's when you will know violation.
    Psh, if that happened I would just have the flying pigs kill you during the night.
    Don't pretend you're not excited to be violated.

      Current date/time is 2024-06-14, 09:51