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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

3 posters

    lend me money plssssssssss


    Posts : 61
    Join date : 2013-10-05

    lend me money plssssssssss Empty lend me money plssssssssss

    Post by mro2013 2013-12-23, 01:00

    cmon could some1 lend me 8m to buy a bond? im pretty desparate to get p2p cuz i fking hate f2p and all money making ways are crowded.. i cant get out of f2p and if im p2p i payback in a day maybe 2 .. pls cmon man some1 !!

    ive been member @ cora dyce for years and betted bills.. i am amine box i can proof it idc.,. ive even done a 2b pot a year ago or so...

    could some1 pls lend me 8m.. the only reason i play rs is that ican dice @ cora dyce but first i need p2p so i can make money real fast...


    Posts : 61
    Join date : 2013-10-05

    lend me money plssssssssss Empty Re: lend me money plssssssssss

    Post by mro2013 2013-12-23, 01:09

    i really dont see why a host cant lend me 8m to buy a bond .. i pay back in a day or 2.. what is the problem??

    i cant even play rs in f2p without money
    Allen's Slave
    Allen's Slave

    Posts : 4445
    Join date : 2012-08-09
    Age : 30
    Location : A$AP

    lend me money plssssssssss Empty Re: lend me money plssssssssss

    Post by Allen's Slave 2013-12-23, 01:17

    I could sell you a picture of a hedgehog shopping.

    lend me money plssssssssss Tumblr_m4rzsxU0hq1qfw2dno1_250

    I'll sell it for 8m.
    Honorary Member
    Honorary Member

    Posts : 2664
    Join date : 2011-11-08

    lend me money plssssssssss Empty Re: lend me money plssssssssss

    Post by Nr 2013-12-23, 01:30

    Allen's Slave wrote:I could sell you a picture of a hedgehog shopping.

    lend me money plssssssssss Tumblr_m4rzsxU0hq1qfw2dno1_250

    I'll sell it for 8m.

    Did the hedgehog even pay for that fresh fruit or vegetable that it's eating? Selling pictures encouraging shoplifting is not tolerated on these forums! Oh and... asking for loans neither.


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    lend me money plssssssssss Empty Re: lend me money plssssssssss

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