Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

2 posters

    I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin.


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2013-11-27

    I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin. Empty I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin.

    Post by EU PO PAK 2013-11-27, 13:08

    ... Okay. You guys might think I'm Mickimaus because:

    1. We use the same ISP.
    2. We use the same IRC Client.
    3. We're same age + We're both in Germany, and speak German.
    4. He lives 10 minutes away from me.

    Whatever you guys say about that, it's not me. My own friends don't believe me and are asking why I'm betting @ Cora Dyce.


    I did not hack Aaron's cousin. We played a game of Truth and Dare, that is how I found out his Girlfriends hair color, and email(s) and Facebook. I DID Not hack him. Z3zima got his password somehow, I do not know how. But randomly gave it to me, I didn't believe him but tried going on forums anyway. (I wasn't the one who made those posts.) You can see all the IP Addresses that were on.

    Also: I got kicked from IRC for knowing Aaron's cousins facebook account... Idk who kicked me, but...
    Honorary Member
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    Posts : 4531
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    Age : 29

    I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin. Empty Re: I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin.

    Post by Aaron 2013-11-28, 07:37

    All lies, you took my cousin's IRC account because you said he got you mad. You then went on telling him that you are going to post porn to his facebook wall etc, (Exactly the same thing you said to my babe) & Send post cards of porn to him.
    You apparently know my IRL info to, 'Aaron Cotton'? (Which you told my cousin) Lol not even close, and you say my cousin was born in 1990 which is also wrong because my cousin is only 14 years old.

    I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin. BIdhFNx
    ^ Ur ip on the IRC,

    I'm not Mickimaus, nor did I hack Aaron's cousin. Kv7BGB7
    ^ The ip you were on my cousin's account with making threads (Unless you say it's Mickimaus which I highly doubt it would be).

    Anyways Casb, I am tired of you and people giving you chances. It's the end now, no more chances.

      Current date/time is 2024-06-01, 04:26