So he needed a good essay about Open-Minded people. I wrote on for him. The total marks is 20 and he needs 12 to pass. It'd be nice if you guys would comment how much this essay might fetch him.
Open Minded people,members of our society just like ourselves.
Many people may ask themselves "What makes them so different,So unique?"
Sometimes we ourselves by our elders are made to believe something which is just blind faith.
We don't take the time to verify the facts and just blindly believe it.
Here comes the difference between us and them.
If they are asked to believe in something blindly they will not. They would want to verify the facts and question everything.
Being an opening minded person has both it's good and bad. Sometimes questioning blind faith really helps the society out.
Taking the example of our great thinkers like Copernicus,Galileo etc. They questioned everything and proved the fact that the earth in fact was not the center of the universe. This helped modern physics develop greatly. But this destroyed their own lives.
Copernicus and Galileo both made revolutionary discoveries. But these discoveries were not accepted by the people of that time as it went against the church. Thus they ended up behind bars and led a life of pure misery. There are two-types of open minded people. One who questions everything and does not accept blind faith and the second who accepts new ideas into the society for it's own betterment
The great revolutionary thinkers of the past were one kind of open minded people but the people who did not accept their theories were not. They did not want to know something new and were obstinate about their old and petty beliefs. At the end we can conclude that although being an open-minded person can get us into trouble it can also help us change the society completely. We should therefore accept new ideas into this newly created diverse world of ours where people readily accept new revolutionary thoughts unlike the ancient people.
Open Minded people,members of our society just like ourselves.
Many people may ask themselves "What makes them so different,So unique?"
Sometimes we ourselves by our elders are made to believe something which is just blind faith.
We don't take the time to verify the facts and just blindly believe it.
Here comes the difference between us and them.
If they are asked to believe in something blindly they will not. They would want to verify the facts and question everything.
Being an opening minded person has both it's good and bad. Sometimes questioning blind faith really helps the society out.
Taking the example of our great thinkers like Copernicus,Galileo etc. They questioned everything and proved the fact that the earth in fact was not the center of the universe. This helped modern physics develop greatly. But this destroyed their own lives.
Copernicus and Galileo both made revolutionary discoveries. But these discoveries were not accepted by the people of that time as it went against the church. Thus they ended up behind bars and led a life of pure misery. There are two-types of open minded people. One who questions everything and does not accept blind faith and the second who accepts new ideas into the society for it's own betterment
The great revolutionary thinkers of the past were one kind of open minded people but the people who did not accept their theories were not. They did not want to know something new and were obstinate about their old and petty beliefs. At the end we can conclude that although being an open-minded person can get us into trouble it can also help us change the society completely. We should therefore accept new ideas into this newly created diverse world of ours where people readily accept new revolutionary thoughts unlike the ancient people.