Excluding introductions.
I think mine was in some thread about masturbation i posted
I think mine was in some thread about masturbation i posted
same hereSlash wrote:I honestly would not be able to remember
this^Connor wrote:Would I even still be possible to find your first post? Haha
Fuck sake, I meant to say find my first postZodz wrote:this^Connor wrote:Would I even still be possible to find your first post? Haha
LetMeSkull wrote:Hello, I am new to this Friends Chat "Cora Dyce" but my name is LetMeSkull...I'd like to say...thanks to all who have helped me, a few months back I got my Bandos armour scammed which was pretty much my bank. Some nice people have helped me and after a long time of searching I've finally found a legit Dicing Clan...I look forward to your 11B drop!
Yea, dang you're good rofl. My typing was so bad back then.Rand al'Thor wrote:http://www.coradyce.com/t9260-weekly-fortnightly-activity-hosted-by-exotiik-hile#107296
I was obsessed about the origins of everything for a time, lol. It's died down a bit
If someone else other than me gives a shit about etymology... you've made my day <3
@Shygodd & Christina: these?