Don't go for the girl with good looks. Go for the girl with great personaltities :p
Inb4 someone didn't catch that
Doodle wrote:Sum* it up. Sorry for posting double cbf editing it when I can't see tge text on this white background ffs I have to highlight the words only then can I see what I typed. Btw has anyone found a solution to this?
Not sure if you're trolling or just can't see it. I said: personal-tities as in personal-boobs for tits -.-Blake wrote:Personality doesn't pay the bills my boy.
Blake wrote:I'll touch your boobies if you let me doodle
Blake wrote:That's good enough for me
Blake wrote:Why the fuck would you ask for dating advice on a Rs-based website lol.
Tom wrote:Blake wrote:Why the fuck would you ask for dating advice on a Rs-based website lol.
Because people are fucking stupid.
Blake wrote:Why the fuck would you ask for dating advice on a Rs-based website lol.
Daft Punk wrote:Get her pregnant and hope for the best.
am the beast wrote:I have had girlfriends but you know am 15 so its like day to day girlfriend, just go rap her