I wud post some pics but don't have hypercam/screenshots my shit but
Today I was bettingggggggg guyyssssssa and I started with 740k I looted from Zodz dp unfortunately I missed the 100m dp which I wuda got a shitload from :/ and I bet 500k won 11-4 claimed, bet 1m won 9-6 claimed bet 1m 10-4 claimed bet 1.5m 10-4 claim needddd and then was at 4m ish then payed my friend back his 2.5m I owed him wagered 2m won 5-2 :3 then was back around 4m ish I think I called a 500k wager then was at 4.9m called 4m I accidentally rolled second, I like rolling first, and I lost 9-7 bet 900k won rewagered lost gf me 3: I was rolling so good until the last half lol and Christina if yew look at dis someone owes me 5m, he said he'll pay me tomorrow -.- I don't know if he will or not but I will have yur 2m <3
And if any of yew are wondering my irc is Warm|4wz
Today I was bettingggggggg guyyssssssa and I started with 740k I looted from Zodz dp unfortunately I missed the 100m dp which I wuda got a shitload from :/ and I bet 500k won 11-4 claimed, bet 1m won 9-6 claimed bet 1m 10-4 claimed bet 1.5m 10-4 claim needddd and then was at 4m ish then payed my friend back his 2.5m I owed him wagered 2m won 5-2 :3 then was back around 4m ish I think I called a 500k wager then was at 4.9m called 4m I accidentally rolled second, I like rolling first, and I lost 9-7 bet 900k won rewagered lost gf me 3: I was rolling so good until the last half lol and Christina if yew look at dis someone owes me 5m, he said he'll pay me tomorrow -.- I don't know if he will or not but I will have yur 2m <3
And if any of yew are wondering my irc is Warm|4wz