Hello and Welcome to The Firemaking Guild
Before continuing reading i want people to know this is still not official. It is open for now..if it recieves alot of support the Guild will open Permanently.
Firemaking is one of the Oldest Skills in Rs. The Firemaking skill give you the ability to burn logs and cook food in it. This Guild is made to promote the skill, chat and have fun while training Firemaking.
How is this Guild Stroctured?
The Guild is going to be like this. The guild will Always have logs on fire. The GUild will also be a place where giveaways of Gp and Wood for skillers will occur. Example 1k maple logs. A place to chat and skill the Guild will be.
The Location will be in Falador Park in World 4 (f2p).
What can we do in the GUild?
There will be events in wich players will be able to win a large amount of logs. There will also be a "shop", where players can buy logs at a cheaper price. I will be suplying the wood for the Shop.
I have to think of more ideas to add to the Guild. This is what i have for now.
If the Guild recieves support i will try to add more To the Guild.
If you have any ideas to make the Guild better post them here!
Before continuing reading i want people to know this is still not official. It is open for now..if it recieves alot of support the Guild will open Permanently.
Firemaking is one of the Oldest Skills in Rs. The Firemaking skill give you the ability to burn logs and cook food in it. This Guild is made to promote the skill, chat and have fun while training Firemaking.
How is this Guild Stroctured?
The Guild is going to be like this. The guild will Always have logs on fire. The GUild will also be a place where giveaways of Gp and Wood for skillers will occur. Example 1k maple logs. A place to chat and skill the Guild will be.
The Location will be in Falador Park in World 4 (f2p).
What can we do in the GUild?
There will be events in wich players will be able to win a large amount of logs. There will also be a "shop", where players can buy logs at a cheaper price. I will be suplying the wood for the Shop.
I have to think of more ideas to add to the Guild. This is what i have for now.
If the Guild recieves support i will try to add more To the Guild.
If you have any ideas to make the Guild better post them here!