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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

A World
1 hunter pk
6 posters

    been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    1 hunter pk

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-06-14

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by 1 hunter pk 2012-06-14, 08:27

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Adv412
    A World
    A World

    Posts : 555
    Join date : 2012-06-01
    Location : Spirit Tree

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by A World 2012-06-14, 08:31

    Good job! Keep on going this! Smile
    Plush Toy
    Plush Toy

    Posts : 101
    Join date : 2012-06-09
    Location : -

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by Plush Toy 2012-06-14, 09:45

    How come you'r account not logging out after 6+ hours? Question

    My game session always goes off.... Sad

    Posts : 2849
    Join date : 2012-02-18
    Age : 28
    Location : America

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by Spoof 2012-06-14, 16:26

    Normally, you would need a client to advertise, not an internet browser. How would you run adverts on an internet browser?

    Posts : 4530
    Join date : 2012-03-29
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    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by CM 2012-06-14, 16:42

    Plush Toy wrote:How come you'r account not logging out after 6+ hours? Question

    My game session always goes off.... Sad
    It does log you out every 6 hours, everyone. I think he just watches the adverts from time to time to make sure he sets them back up when they've logged out.

    and idk why this is in announcements?
    1 hunter pk

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-06-14

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty i use two laptops guys :)

    Post by 1 hunter pk 2012-06-15, 13:37

    what i do is i check up on them every 4-5 hours and refresh the intenet browser session its pinch ! been going on both accounts for nearly 48+ hours! Smile gl everyone in this competition
    Honorary Member
    Honorary Member

    Posts : 4531
    Join date : 2012-03-28
    Age : 29

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by Aaron 2012-06-15, 18:42

    Goodluck urself, The way I have my adverts is boss ;p my own script without using simba / scar. goodluck.

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by Guest 2012-06-15, 19:59

    keep up the good work Very Happy

    Sponsored content

    been advertising on two worlds for  nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day! Empty Re: been advertising on two worlds for nearly 21 hours now i will continue until saturday for 15-20 hours a day!

    Post by Sponsored content

      Current date/time is 2024-06-01, 15:14