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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

2 posters

    Second chance [CoraPvP]

    Host Taco

    Posts : 2270
    Join date : 2011-06-11
    Age : 29

    Second chance [CoraPvP] Empty Second chance [CoraPvP]

    Post by Host Taco 2012-06-07, 02:24

    Shadie36 gives a guy who panic tabs a second chance.. He showed him a lesson the second time around!
    Coo kay
    Coo kay

    Posts : 2899
    Join date : 2011-08-20
    Age : 29
    Location : US

    Second chance [CoraPvP] Empty Re: Second chance [CoraPvP]

    Post by Coo kay 2012-06-07, 02:52

    Here's the video. You had its as https for security purposes i'm assuming, but this wouldn't work for putting the video here.

      Current date/time is 2024-06-01, 04:27