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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

    - Week 9 -


    Posts : 1855
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    - Week 9 -  Empty - Week 9 -

    Post by Juliaz 2012-08-13, 02:36


    Cora Dyce Weekly Newsletter

    ~~~Week 9~~~


    NOTE: Any ideas for the newsletter are welcome, just pm me or Juliaz.

    Newsletter writers:
    - zemlyr
    - Juliaz


    Past Newsletters


    - Week 9 -  Coinsdetail
    Betting Arena

    - Most active better goes to... LlPE
    - Most active hustler (host) goes to... Cable Speed
    - High roller of the week goes to... Eat An Afro

    Make Cora Dyce proud high-rollers! Wink


    This Week's Featured Host ~9th / Hi Who~

    - Week 9 -  9th1

    Juliaz and 9th

    - Week 9 -  9th2

    Awwww Razz
    Julia: Hey Ryan!
    Hi Who | 9th: Hi Julia!

    Julia: You’re the newest host, how does it feel Razz
    Hi Who | 9th: Amazing- better than I could ever have imagined it to be Smile

    Julia: Tell us a little bit about yourself outside of Rs Smile
    Hi Who | 9th: Well,
    I'm 19, I'm an Economics major in college, I love playing soccer and
    chess, and I volunteer in a program that helps children with special

    Julia: Oooh economics, what would be your dream job Razz
    Hi Who | 9th: Right
    now I work for a small firm as a stocks and securities analyst. My
    dream job would be being my boss - playing on the world market with my
    clients' money and being successful at helping them make money Smile

    Julia: Seems like you know how to handle your money Wink How did you start playing RS and tell us a bit about you and R Quark.
    Hi Who | 9th: Back
    in my middle school days a friend of mine introduced me to Rs...
    needless to say we got addicted to it, and even though I never had the
    ambition to max my account, I always loved merching and that’s what kept
    me drawn to the game. This hobby of mine led me into R Quark, the fc
    where prices of rares were kept and held publicly available for all Rs
    players. I've worked hard in this friends chat for over a year to help
    everyone understand the prices at all times and make sure no one cheated
    or manipulated another player by giving misleading information in the
    chat! It’s a bunch of work, but it's rewarding Smile

    Julia: Would you call yourself a mercher Smile?
    Hi Who | 9th: Yes, I would! I love it, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of Smile

    Julia: It’s not Smile How did you stumble across Cora Dyce?
    Hi Who | 9th: I
    had first run into it in its infancy at Romeo and Juliet, and had bet a
    bit back then, but things didn’t really become serious until I ran into
    Aid in R Quark back in February. He and I talked a lot about Cora Dyce
    and how dicing and IRC works nowadays and I was intrigued by the entire
    thing. Even though I had just purchased membership I found it hard not
    to login at the world 1 spirit every day :O

    Julia: Did you bet the money you made from merching? Were you a high better:) ? Tell us about your Cora Dyce experience Razz
    Hi Who | 9th: At
    first I was a bit hesitant to bet big, as I am pretty conservative with
    my gp, but after I learned the snowball method, I must say I had a few
    bad runs Razz
    I wasn't a high better by any account, but I am a very frequent better.
    I've gotten to know many of the hosts and become friends with them,
    and the friendships I've made here are stronger than most of the friends
    I have made in my entire 8 years of playing Rs. Being with Cora Dyce
    is the best experience in Rs - the thrills, the laughs, the friends,
    etc. Everything here works together. Everyone is important to the
    community. We all make up Cora Dyce Smile

    Julia: I can honestly agree with you that some friends made here are stronger then in my whole RS experience lol Razz Now that you’re a host, what are your goals in the clan?
    Hi Who | 9th: I
    want to be a good host and role model, and I want to promote all that
    is great about Cora Dyce! I'd love to be a host that everyone can feel
    comfortable talking to Smile

    Julia: That’s a good goal and you are on the right track Smile How did you come up with the name Hi Who Razz
    Hi Who | 9th: For
    a while my name was thewho60, and my friends in my old clan used to
    just call me 'who' for short. When I decided to change my name, I
    wanted to keep the 'who' part for them, so I eventually went with Hi Who

    Julia: I’m guessing you’re a The Who Fan? What is your favourite song at the moment?
    Hi Who | 9th: Nice reference catch Razz not many people get that. Won't Get Fooled Again is my favourite song Razz

    Julia: Haha, well I guess you can call me a pro reference-catcher level 99 hunt Razz LOL, time for Juliaz says Host you Say Word Game! Very Happy

    Julia: Ready?
    Hi Who | 9th: Born ready.

    Julia: Maca Skill
    Hi Who | 9th: Intelligent

    Julia: Zemlyr
    Hi Who | 9th: Outstanding

    Julia: Jthrust
    Hi Who | 9th: Purple

    Julia: phat4tw
    Hi Who | 9th: IRC Wizard

    Julia: lobbypl0x
    Hi Who | 9th: Respected

    Julia: DDCC
    Hi Who | 9th: AFK

    Julia: 20m
    Hi Who | 9th: Kind

    Julia: oio
    Hi Who | 9th: Too-tired-to-move-from-chair-to-bed

    Julia: Hahaha Razz Strugg and Andy
    Hi Who | 9th: Strugg: Fellow Tarantino Fan … Andy: Born Leader

    Julia: Bonus: Juliaz!
    Hi Who | 9th: Amazing Smile

    Julia: Who are yours top 3 favourite hosts?Smile
    Hi Who | 9th: Thats impossible to pick Razz

    Julia: Haha, well thanks for taking your time with me today Hi Who (aka 9th) Smile Any last words?

    Hi Who | 9th: Thanks to everyone here for making each day at Cora Dyce memorable Smile

    ~~~~~~~~Our mod of the week...~~~~~~~~ ~@Sean~

    - Week 9 -  Sean1

    Juliaz and Sean!

    - Week 9 -  Sean2n

    Omfg yes Sean!!!!!!!

    Julia: Hey Sean!
    Sean: Hi Julia Very Happy

    Julia: How you doing?
    Sean: Good Razz you?

    Julia: Great Smile Introduce us to Sean if you will Razz
    Sean: lol Very Happy hi, turned 18 recently. Basketball. Graduated HS. California 4 lyfe. Himym/The office are da best. I’m pretty boring Smile

    Julia: OmG The Office is the best! Who’s your fave character Very Happy?
    Sean: Dwigggght. Can't wait for his Spin-Off. Smile Razz hbu

    Julia: Haha, I like Micheal Smile he’s what Andy should look up to xP .. do you enjoy living in Cali?
    Sean: Lolol sad he left =( yes I love it. Best place on earth I swear, people are chill, weather's awesome, so much to do here. Very Happy Best part though is diversity.

    Julia: Nice and sunny (sun) lol, how did you start playing Rs?
    Sean: yesss =) um in 06 or 07 I believe, one of my family friends showed it to me. Hooked ever since Razz on and off of course

    Julia: Yes rs can be addicting ahah, how did you land in Cora Dyces old spot then at romeo and juliets? :O
    Sean: Sythe Razz
    I was looking for a way to get more GP quick and saw Andy looking for
    new hosts. He accepted me, and then shortly after, I was doing 60x2 Razz

    Julia: Yes, you were one of the firsts host if I stand corrected? Smile How was your time being a host back then, what rank where you?
    Sean: Yeah, I was. Razz
    And not to brag - one of the only few who didn't scam!! Haha I started
    off as Lieutenant w/ a max pot -> Capt in a day -> General after a
    lot of hosts got deranked lol. It was nice hosting back then, a lot
    more talking/chatting. Hosts and members were definitely closer. Smaller
    bets, but still, I made 25M the first day of hosting, which is more
    than I would have ever made GWDing Razz

    Julia: Things seem like they were a lot different back then D: How long were you a Gen for and why did you get deranked?
    Sean: Very Wink um I can't remember May/June-ish to ...November I think ? lol Well this is a good opp to explain my story Razz

    Julia: Yes , please do! Razz
    Sean: To
    summarize it - I left to Ddyce for a lot of reasons…a lot of people
    hated me for it, but I had my reasons, money was never the factor for
    me. Around the time I left, there was something in the host section, and
    to be vague, let's just say, I was really disappointed. Around the same
    time, Victor and Ashely (anyone remember them Razz?)
    had told me something, which finalized my decision so I left. Later
    found out they were lying, and I probably should have confronted Andy
    about it before. So, I'm sorry for that, and betraying you guys.. Razz

    Julia: Ok I understand, I’m sure the right people will appreciate your answer Smile What brought you BACK to Cora Dyce? Or why Razz
    Sean: Even
    throughout all the bad times, when almost every host scammed, wars vs
    other dicing clans, I stuck with Cora. I grew with the community, and
    made some really great friends here. I really missed everything about
    it, and it took me months to decide(lol around 3-4) whether or not I
    should come back... I was hesitant about coming back, but when Sanne I
    believe pm'd me asking to, I realized that I still had some friends
    there & rumours will go away over time Razz

    Julia: Sanne is a hero :') lol. Are you happy your back? Enjoying your new voluntary mod position?
    Sean: Yeah,
    I'm really happy to be back. It's awesome getting to meet old people,
    and hanging out with new guys too. I really like the new mod position. Razz thanks to Andy for it.. it's been awesome modding with Sam <3 Best mod ever. He's so hot.

    Julia: LOL^ are you trying to get reranked now Smile?
    Sean: It's
    a goal of mine. I'm reeeeallllyyy really happy with a lot of the host
    choices since I've been back. There's a few people I'd like to see get
    it before myself though Razz

    Julia: Names!! Very Happy
    Sean: Sam, most definitely. He has been by far the most consistent member EVER. Maybe this girl w/ a nice mouth named Julia too Wink

    Julia: Are
    you and Sam in some sort of sexy bromance? Lol. Also who are a few of
    the newer hosts that you are extremely happy got picked?

    Sean: Some
    may call it that. I prefer love <3 Lolll um, when I first came back,
    Christina. I was uber happy about that, even though I didn't know her
    personally. I obviously know how to forum stalk Razz umm, TANKIN Smile! He's been here so long, and he's earned it and Mkarn Razz adv-master. Shoutout 2 all my boytoys, also, hook me up with cindy giaaaaang. Wink

    Julia: Haha, thanks for joining me today Sean Smile

    Sean: Lol, thank you for the interview dude.

    Julia: Np, duderino Very Happy


    Life Of Guitar After Derank

    "This is it. Today will be the day that I get my revenge" thought Guitar...

    was innocently enjoying the nice weather outside by itself, basking in
    the beautiful sunshine. It did not suspect what would happen next...

    - Week 9 -  Bum111

    Guitar had been watching the Chair from afar this whole time, it had already prepared its deathly fate.

    - Week 9 -  Bum210

    sneaked up behind the Chair and POW! He started to attack the innocent
    chair out of spite, he was letting all his anger out and nothing could
    stop him!

    - Week 9 -  Bum310

    Guitar wiped the sweat off his forehead, breathed a sign of relief, and looked down at his results...

    - Week 9 -  Bum410

    have done my deed, that will teach them to mess with me.. Guitar was
    exhausted after killing Ms. Chair, she was no more. In midst of the
    killing spree, Guitar realized something... wait a sec, did I just gain
    a woodcut level? Indeed he did! And with that, he continued on to
    biggest Tree Cut Prodigy, cutting yews for 5 years and finally reaching
    his goal of 15M gp, Guitar will forever be a happy man!

    - Week 9 -  Bum510

    Now to take over Cora Dyce...
    The End

    Giveaways to try!

    - jojo's Weekly Giveaway
    - Nancy's 5m weekly giveaways!
    - Cold Dove's End of Summer Giveaway!
    - Cold Dove's almost weekly hide 'n seek

    Competitions to try!

    - Cora PvP weekly advertising competition!
    - Youtube Promotions

    Guide of the Week!

    Getting sick of invisible items glitch?
    - by devilbri3

    ~ Cora PVP Youtube Channel ~

    Subscribe to the channel here

    Epic Cora PVP vid of the week!

    Subscribe and like it up!!!

    -------------------------- Bored!??! --------------------------

    Have any hidden talents that we should know about? Are you 99 Defence in real life? Tell us here!
    Remembering the 12.5B Drop Party!
    (July 14th, 2012)

    Andys videos/livestream of the drop!

    cheers July 14 was proof that Cora Dyce has the BEST DROPS cheers

      Current date/time is 2024-05-19, 21:54