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Cora Dyce

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Cora Dyce - Your personal dicing clan

    - Week 8 -


    Posts : 1855
    Join date : 2012-01-03

    - Week 8 - Empty - Week 8 -

    Post by Juliaz 2012-08-06, 07:20


    Cora Dyce Weekly Newsletter

    ~~~Week 8~~~


    NOTE: Any ideas for the newsletter are welcome, just pm me or Juliaz.

    Newsletter writers:
    - zemlyr
    - Juliaz


    Past Newsletters


    - Week 8 - Coinsdetail
    Betting Arena

    - Most active better goes to... LlPE
    - Most active hustler (host) goes to... BnL
    - High roller of the week goes to... Host Taco

    Keep them bets coming!


    This Week's Featured Host ~tankin | D6G~

    - Week 8 - Tanky1

    Juliaz and tankin | D6G!

    - Week 8 - Tanky2


    Julia: Hey Tanky!

    Tankin Dem: Hello Juliaz.

    Julia: How are you, recruit Smile ?

    Tankin Dem: Ha I'm good, I'm glad i finally achieved a position as a rank in the fc.

    Julia: How long did it take you exactly?

    Tankin Dem: Well being that I used to dice in Cora Dyce in early June of last year I’d say about a year and a month for my rank.

    Julia: Wow, that’s a long time! Was it worth it?

    Tankin Dem: Lol. I believe it was worth it, I've made many great friends in my time here
    and have enjoyed the wonderful community we have at Cora.

    Julia: Yeah, a lot of people mention the community we have here, it’s really great Smile ! Now, tell us how you came up with the name Tankin Dem, hmm? Razz

    Tankin Dem: Haha good question. Well I had previously made a summoning tank account but I
    kinda screwed it up because I got strength levels on it. So I decided
    to make a new one and I guess I just figured I would be "tanking them"
    but that would be too proper. So I chose Tankin Dem because I liked how
    it looked better.

    Julia: Does that explain why you wear mithril all the time, or are you just rs fashion friendly Razz ?

    Tankin Dem: Well mithril is my trademark armour ,but that’s because one day I randomly
    put on mithril and began dicing. It was very lucky for me that day so I
    just always left it on. I also think it is more stylish then the
    regular rune armour.

    Julia: Haha, since you've been here for so long, mind telling us how you got involved with Cora Dyce in the first place Smile ?

    Tankin Dem: Well I was your classic rs player with around 5m when dice bags came out.
    One day I stumbled upon a large group outside romeo and juliets house .
    Adverts were spamming "join cora dyce" which I decided to give a shot
    and I've never looked back since.

    Julia: Awww, such a little noob Smile what has been your favourite moment with Cora Dyce? If you could name one Razz

    Tankin Dem: Ahh my favourite moment...that’s a tough one but I’d have to say my most
    memorable moment was June 2011 (I placed a 1.5m wager my largest ever)
    and lost 3-2. I was honestly devastated. My favourite moment, even
    though it has only recently happened, is when I received my rank.

    Julia: Haha that’s funny Razz well besides rs, tell us a little bit about yourself, who is Tanky?!

    Tankin Dem: Ha well my real name is Greg, and I live on long island, New york. I work
    at an amusement park and also volunteer part time for my local ambulance
    corps. I enjoy playing sports mainly golf and basketball. I will be a
    senior in high school next year and am looking forward to hosting and
    not doing any homework Razz

    Julia: Busy you! Haha, ok back to Cora Dyce related, what are your least favourite parts of the clan! :O

    Tankin Dem: My least favourite parts...well id have to say sometimes people get too
    caught up in the rush to gain gp (like myself sometimes) and it can
    create bad situations. I also would have to say that forum spamming
    should be a crime punishable by law, preferably 20-30 years in prison Smile .

    Julia: Hahaha dam those spammers Razz ! Since you've been here so long, what do you want to see in the future of the clan, who would you like to see ranked etc.?

    Tankin Dem: Christina for derank. Heheh only joking of course...I mean the future plans of
    the clan aren't really up to me, and those in charge have done a good
    enough job to steer us in the right direction in the past so I expect it
    to continue in the future. As for new ranks in my opinion I believe a
    few people deserve a shot including…
    1) Exidor definitely deserve a shot
    2) I know you’re not a favourable pick among hosts but imo u deserve a shot Wink

    Julia: Since it took you so long to get ranked, where there any times which you felt like giving up and leaving?

    Tankin Dem: Unfortunately there definitely were times when I felt discouraged, but support from
    current hosts and my love for everyone here just kept me coming back.

    Julia: Haha, any shout outs you wanna give before we call this over Razz ?

    Tankin Dem: Id like to say hi to everyone and to call me Greg in game because even I forget I'm D6G sometimes lmao.

    Julia: Lmao Very Happy well thanks very much for taking time to answer these Greg ! Any final words Razz ?

    Tankin Dem: Yxb is a noob. That is all.

    ~~~~~~~~Our ex-mod of the week...~~~~~~~~ ~Sypher PK!!!~

    - Week 8 - Sypth1

    Juliaz and Sypher PK!

    - Week 8 - Syph2

    Sypher PK's special emote!

    Julia: Hey Sypher!

    SypherPK: Hey Julia!

    Julia: What's up Smile

    SypherPK: Nothing much, been hosting and getting geepee! Wink

    Julia: How much did you usually make as captain?

    SypherPK: I made 200m-400m/day, as a captain, pretty good stuff!

    Julia: Wow :O thats a lot, any goals on rs atm?

    SypherPK: Well I want to get a party hat set, and I also want to be super famous on rs.

    Julia: Hmm, those are hard goals Razz how do you plan on getting super famous?

    SypherPK: With my YouTube channel of course! I'm almost at 8,000 YouTube subscribers!

    Julia: Nice job :O! Tell us a bit about your YouTube channel and how it all started Smile

    SypherPK: Well me and my brothers all play Rs, and we use to pk in multi together for
    about 5 years, but about 1 year ago we decided to make videos together,
    and "triplet pking" became a hit! So many people enjoyed watching the
    brotherly chemistry in combat!

    Julia: Haha yes it’s fun to watch a team like that Razz you seem like a pker at heart, how did you get involved with dicing? Mainly Cora Dyce?

    SypherPK: Well, my brother Sypher HD (1 HD) stumbled upon this clan, just the thought
    of legit gambling made me excited, I never actually bet though, not
    until I lost a dragon claw in the wilderness, I got so mad I did a 20m
    dice duel, and won 6-8, at Bronze Coin (Candyforyou), my first ever dice
    duel Smile

    Julia: Aww Smile What was it that dragged you into Cora Dyce and made you stay, also, how has your journey to getting ranked been Razz

    SypherPK: What made me stay, was the weekly drop parties, I looked forward to them and
    always got something nice, the community was so nice! Ah, my journey to
    rank, was a long one of course, I applied last year in November, and
    have been trying for almost 4 months, I almost lost hope in getting rank
    so many times, but at after the long wait and hours of work, it paid
    off! So for anyone who is feeling down about not being rank, don't give

    Julia: Good advice haha Razz
    I also see you were a big part of Cora Pvp, want to tell us a little
    about that, how it started, where you see it going in the future?

    SypherPK: Cora PvP, started as a small idea by the owner (Cora Dyce) in order to
    expand the name Cora into the realm of player combat, it was a hard
    task, and he was too busy with Cora Dyce to focus too much on it, so
    that is when I came to help start up Cora PvP, we then opened the
    YouTube channel Cora PvP and have gained almost 1,000 subscribers and
    many views since it was open, I usually upload daily to keep the channel
    running smooth, it has been a success so far!

    Julia: You sure are a big help to the clan Smile Now, if you could only pick one, Pking or Dicing Razz?

    SypherPK: Oh that is a terribly hard question, my entire Rs experience is now made
    up of pking and dicing, I have been a die-hard pker since I started this
    game, and Now I'm a dice addict and can't live without neither, I plead
    the fifth (Americans will get this), the question is basically, would
    you rather die by drowning or die by suffocation, both terrible, and
    can't choose either. Razz

    Julia: Wrong answer!! haha, well are you enjoying your time with Cora Dyce? Smile what are you favourite as well as least favourite parts about hosting Smile

    SypherPK: I'm enjoying every second of it, my favourite part about hosting is the
    ability to make money without risking or grinding, my least favourite
    part is since I can make money easily I also tend to lose money easily
    because of my carelessness, I just tell myself "I will host it back, no
    problem" then I do something stupid and end up losing bills! X)

    Julia: Haha Razz ok time for the Juliaz Names Host You Say Word Game! ready Razz?

    SypherPK: ok I'm ready!

    Julia: Ms Xine
    SypherPK: Pretty

    Julia: Dub
    SypherPK: Nice hair

    Julia: Sloppy
    SypherPK: Jock

    Julia: Sanne
    SypherPK: Cute

    Julia: YXB
    SypherPK: Tall

    Julia: Courtney
    SypherPK: Amazinglyawesomedrunkenirish

    Julia: SypherHD!
    SypherPK: Lame

    Julia: Hshshs
    SypherPK: weird name

    Julia: Strugg and Andy!
    SypherPK: Strugg - Andy's Tool….. Andy- #1AFKERinHistoryofAFK

    Julia: Hahah, and as usual, Bonus person Juliaz!!
    SypherPK: Who is Juliaz (rofl)

    Julia: GRR! Hahah well thanks for taking time to answer these Sypher Smile any last words, shout outs Razz?

    SypherPK: I want to shout out SypherPK, Probably one of the greatest person in the
    history of the world, I also want to shout out Rae Jepsen, for making
    the #1 song on my playlist, "Call Me Maybe"!

    - Week 8 - Doublefacepalmzi


    Life Of Guitar After Derank

    A spooky breeze blew through the streets of Falador… the days of Mr.
    Guitar and Ms. Chair were coming to an end… all was quiet.

    Guitar had a rough day on the streets, making 24k in 10 hours, and just wanted
    to go home to see his Chair, it was the only thing he was looking
    forward to. He opened the door to his house, and dropped his cash

    - Week 8 - Bar111
    He couldn’t believe his eyes, his beloved Chair was doing the unthinkable
    with Table and TV! It was a horrific sight, he tried to look away but
    couldn’t, it hurt too much. “Chair?? WHAT IS THIS? WHO IS THIS TABLE?
    And WHAT are you doing ON TOP OF IT!” Guitar was furious. The Chair did
    not respond…

    “You’ve broken my heart… Now I break you” Guitar smiled with an evil look on his face.

    - Week 8 - Bar210

    I will get my revenge…

    Tune in next week for the season finale of Guitar After Derank, what does crazy Guitar do? Wait and see!

    Giveaways to try!

    - jojo's Weekly Giveaway
    - Nancy's 5m weekly giveaways!
    - Cold Dove's End of Summer Giveaway!
    - Cold Dove's almost weekly hide 'n seek

    Competitions to try!

    - Cora PvP weekly advertising competition!
    - Youtube Promotions

    Guide of the Week!

    How To Get 200 Free RuneCoins in S.G.S (Solemon's General Store)
    - by Rock

    Joke of the week!

    there's 3 construction workers working on a skyscraper. One brunette,
    one red-head, and a blonde. At lunch, the brunette opens his lunchbox
    and there's a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. He says, "Aww man,
    ANOTHER peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I get them everyday! If I get
    one more PB&J I'm going to jump off this building!" Then the
    red-head opens his lunchbox and there's a peanutbutter and jelly
    sandwich. He says, "Aww man, ANOTHER peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I
    am so sick of those! Next time, I'm jumping off this building!" Then
    the blonde opens his lunchbox and there's a peanutbutter and jelly
    sandwich. He says, "Aww man, ANOTHER peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
    Will I ever get something else?! One more and I'm jumping too."
    The next day each of them open their lunches to discover PB&j's, so they jump off the building and die.
    their funeral the brunette's wife cries and says, "Why did I pack him
    peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches, why!?" The red-head wife cries and
    says, "Why didn't I pack him something else, WHY!?!?" Then the blonde's
    wife says, "Don't look at me, he made his own lunch."

    ~ Cora PVP Youtube Channel ~

    Subscribe to the channel here

    Epic Cora PVP vid of the week!

    Subscribe and like it up!!!

    [center]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Comics ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

    - Week 8 - Comic210
    - by Exidor -

    No More Countdown to 12.5B Drop Party!
    Drop Party went extremely well!! We sincerely thank everyone who was
    there and Hosts/Owners for organizing this historic event! Very Happy

    (July 14th, 2012)

    Andys videos/livestream of the drop!

    Some of the Loot that was picked up!

    cheers July 14 was proof that Cora Dyce has the BEST DROPS cheers

      Current date/time is 2024-05-19, 14:26